
Visible settings and Key Views - Wye Valley AONB

Map indicating the area groupings for visual settings downloads


  1. View points only represent a selection based on local knowledge. It is not an exhaustive list. Any mapping like this only forms a strategic ready reckoner. It is no substitute for detailed, qualitative, field observations.
  2. For visible areas, maps show a 360-degree Zone of Theoretical Visibility (ZTV). Some key views may only be notable in certain directions.
  3. For areas not visible, maps show the Height of an Object before it becomes Visible (HOBV).
  4. We calculated the data using a 30 metre Digital Terrain Model (DTM). Observer points were 1.5m above ground level. The calculations take into account the Earth's curvature.
  5. Key views are often experienced when walking around the viewing area. We used a square grid of 9 observer points set 30 metres apart. This reduces the chance that a single observer point was not representative. The Ordnance Survey grid references are for the centre point.
  6. We only calculated data as far as 35km from an observer point. More distant views may also be possible.
  7. User guidance explains and illustrates what the data shows
  8. A detailed technical report shows how the data was calculated
  9. You can also view the ZTV for each LANDMAP Visual and Sensory area